These reminiscences of a friendship between Graham Greene and the author over two decades offer several original and significant additions to the knowledge of Greene's beliefs, experiences and involvements throughout his long and turbulent life. It is a brilliant illustration of the multiple connections of Graham Greene with Ireland, many of which would not be known to historians, literary critics or the general public. The relationship of Greene with Irish soldiers, writers and politicians as different as Ernie O'Malley, Seán O'Faoláin, Conor Cruise O'Brien and Gerry Fitt throw light on his deep interest in Irish history, literature and politics.
Pierre Joannon, Doctor of Law, historian, and one of the foremost specialists in France about Ireland, is author of many books including Histoire de lIrlande et des Irlandais (2006 and 2009), and of the only French biographies of Michael Collins and John Hume. Founder of the Ireland Fund of France, he has been Honorary Consul General of Ireland in the South of France since 1973. Awarded Honorary Doctorates by the National University of Ireland and by the University of Ulster, he received one of the first annual Presidential Distinguished Service Awards for the Irish Abroad in 2012 and was elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2021.