Exciting, thrilling, and captivating! The world's most famous travel narrative is presented here in a new version dramatized by Francis London. Drawing inspiration from the original, the author transforms the somewhat ponderous, old-fashioned story into a modern novel filled with gripping action, expressive dialogue, and stirring adventures. "Around the World in Eighty Days" is the tale of three men and a woman brought together by an extraordinary fate on a breathtaking journey. It is a story of mistrust and betrayal, of hope in victory and despair. And ultimately, it is a story of triumph for the power of true love. The excellent revision of the text turns this book into a compelling narrative, written in a modern style and masterfully presented. Classic literature for the contemporary reader.
Francis London writes books and short stories from the period of Victorian Europe. His books are based on specifications from well-known authors and are available in English, German and French.