This research emphasis on a specific type of violence which prevails in our society but is neglected due to its nature, the violence against men. Over the last few decades there have been several types of assaults against men by women/ men but they have not been given any attention mainly because our cultural setup of the society always sees the women as innocent so in the category of being victimized by any type of violence, women are mainly highlighted and are given significant importance. Violence against men in my locality of study (New Abaadi Chaakra) mainly comprises of physical, mental, psychological, sexual, emotional and economical aspects of violence. This study concludes that men are also subjected to violence and are mainly neglected or in some cases they are accused of being violent even though they have been victimized. This is due to the fact that a woman in our society enjoys a very highly dignified post where she is always seen as innocent at the first instance. Exploiting this very notion the women commits various types of violence against men ranging from psychological, emotional, and sexual to even physical types.
Syeda Sana Munir Kazmi is a young anthropologist. Her area of expertise is gender studies. Her research work on violence against men has contributed to the field of anthropology by highlighting an important, yet largely un-discussed issue of our society. Her research work has been published internationally.