Francesco Tampieri is director of research of CNR in Italy. His main research interest is in environmental science, with special attention to fluid dynamics and atmospheric physics. In particular his activity concerns theoretical, modelling and experimental studies on the atmospheric boundary layer, on turbulence and on transport and dispersion. He published more than 60 papers on international referred journals and is member of the Editorial Board of the ERCOFTAC Bulletin and of Boundary Layer Meteorology. During his career he was visiting researcher at the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge (UK) and at the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts), Reading (UK). He has also been director of the Istituto per lo studio delle Metodologie Geofisiche Ambientali of CNR and of the Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e dell'Oceano of CNR. He gave courses and lectures in Italian Universities and in International Schools, in particular since 2001 he gives a course on "Planetary boundary layer and dispersion processes' at the Science Faculty, Bologna University.