The book illustrates a diachronic, descriptive and contextual approach to terms that can be used by linguists to explore specialised fields, their culture, their past and current evolution, the history of the ideas that have shaped them. The example of the field of economics can be adapted and applied to any other specialised domain.
Catherine Resche is a full-time Professor of English for economics at Panthéon-Assas-Paris 2 University. A member of CELTA (Centre de Linguistique théorique et appliquée) at the Sorbonne (Paris IV), she heads the «terminology and specialised discourse» research group in applied linguistics. She has authored numerous articles and book chapters on terminology, neology, metaphor and genre and discourse analysis.
«[Catherine Resche's] book does very well in its avowed aim of opening many windows onto practices, beliefs and intentions in economics mirrored by terms, not to mention a few doors allowing readers to pursue for themselves the topics raised, thanks to various methodological innovations.» (John Humbley, Terminology 20, 2014/1)
Contents: Terminology, ESP and Specialised Varieties of English – The specificity of economics – Insights from economic neonyms – Insights from metaphorical terms – Insights from indeterminate terms with relation to discourse – Insights from interface terms.