This book is an introductory study of the Old Testament and it is based on the lesson taught for many years by the authors in two different Universities in Ghana. It is an interactive and didactic work that provides an innovative approach to the study of the Hebrew Bible. Through reading selected passages from the Bible and doing recommended exercises as a means of reinforcing what has been learnt, the reader will achieve a good knowledge of the Old Testament and will acquire the capability of reading and interpreting further texts. Each chapter begins with a presentation of a map of the journey, the objectives to be achieved, a summary and a final section that helps the student to evaluate his/her comprehension.
This book is also a contextualized text. The last chapter is dedicated to the Old Testament in Africa and the relationship between the African Continent and the Bible, giving the reader the possibilities of acquiring skills to interpret the Old Testament from African perspectives.
Nicoletta Gatti holds a Licentiate in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome) and a PhD in Biblical Theology from the Gregorian University (Rome). She is a Lecturer of Biblical Studies in the Department of Biblical and Church Historical Studies, School of Theology and Missions, Central University College (Dansoman - Ghana). Her research interest focuses on the intercultural and pragmatic approach to the Bible.
George Ossom-Batsa obtained a Licentiate in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome), a PhD in Biblical Theology from the Gregorian University (Rome) and a MPhil in Missiology from the same Institution. He is a Senior lecturer of Biblical Studies in the Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana (Legon - Ghana) and his main research interest is in intercultural and pragmatic approach to the Bible.
«(...) this is a contribution characterised by pedagogical skills and experience, with summaries, study questions, and brief bibliographies to each chapter.» (Knut Holter, Book Notes for Africa 28, 2012)
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Contents: The World of the Old Testament – The Canon of the Old Testament – The Structure and Content of the
The Structure and Content of the
The Structure and Content of the
Studying the
in Africa.