The fight against Fascism and Nazism during the Second World War gave rise to a strong "desire for Europe": a desire for a united, peaceful, democratic Europe. In many countries, there was a flowering of movements, actions, newspapers and constitutional projects in which the vision of the "United States of Europe" was an essential element, enriching the Resistance with a new, profound and lasting political and historical dimension. By interpreting the changes that the Second World War generated, the Europeanists and federalist forerunners of the times mentioned in this volume were able to identify, ahead of their time, the basis for the construction of the new united Europe and, with it, a new peaceful and democratic international order.
Robert Belot, Full Professor of Contemporary History (Jean Monnet University, Saint-Etienne, France), holds the Jean Monnet Chair European Heritage Policies. He coordinates the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree DYCLAM +. His latest publication is Résistance et conscience européenne. Henri Frenay, de Gaulle et les communistes, 1940-1947 (2021). Daniela Preda is Full Professor of Contemporary History in the Department of Political Science at the University of Genoa and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in History and Politics of European Integration. She is Director of the inter-university research Center on the History of Federalism and European Integration. Her publications include Alcide De Gasperi European Founding Father (Peter Lang 2017).
RobeRt belot and daniela PReda : Introduction — ?RobeRt belot : Above Hatred and beyond Borders: The French Resistance’s gradual realization of the need to make Europe — ?WilfRied loth : The idea of Europe in the German Resistance — ?thieRRy GRosbois : Visions de l’Europe d’après- guerre par la Résistance en Belgique et aux Pays- Bas occupés 1939– 1945 — ?fRancesca Pozzoli : The European Federalist network in Switzerland during World War II — ?UmbeRto lodovici : La Résistance de la Rose blanche et l’Europe — ?silvana boccanfUso : Ursula Hirschmann: a European federalist with no homeland — ?stefano dell’acqUa : The Kreisauer Kreis’ plans for Europe — ?catheRine PRéviti : Alexandre Marc’s battle for a new order. French Fédératisme on the eve of European federalism (1928– 1942) — ?andRea becheRUcci : The Partito d’Azione’s idea of Europe — ?Giovanni battista vaRnieR : The national liberation struggle and the idea of Europe in Italian catholic circles — ?maURizio Ridolfi : The idea of Europe among the Republicans — ?UmbeRto moRelli : The Italian liberal Europeanists and the vision of a federal Europe — ?seRGio Pistone : The idea of Europe in the Italian Resistance: the birth of the movements for European unity — ?Antonella Braga : The words of Ventotene. A historical- critical analysis of the Ventotene Manifesto — ?maRia teResa GiUsti : Italian military in the war of Resistance in Yugoslavia after the 8 September 1943 armistice — ?Raffaella cinqUanta : European unity in the underground press of the Italian Resistance — ?coRRado malandRino : Silvio Trentin’s idea of Europe in the Resistance movement in France and Italy (1940– 1944) — ?alfRedo canaveRo : Rossi, Spinelli and the idea of Europe among Italian refugees in Switzerland — ?andReas Wilkens : Hilda Monte and the unity of Europe. Resistance, solidarity and planning in exile, 1933– 1945 — ?lUboR Jílek : Un projet d’Europe centrale conçu à Londres entre diplomates et militaires polonais et tchécoslovaques : les origines d’un échec, 1940– 1941 — ?maRtyn bond : Visions of post- war Europe. A European in America: Richard Count Coudenhove- Kalergi in exile — ?maRia eleonoRa GUasconi : Jean Monnet’s network in the United States — ?Jean- fRancis billion : L’Europe et le fédéralisme vus du côté des antifascistes européens en Amérique latine (années 1930 et 1940) — ?filiPPo maRia GioRdano : Ecumenism, Resistance, European unity and international relations: a convergence between Willem A. Visser ’t Hooft and John Foster Dulles — ?Paolo caRaffini : The Geneva meetings and the international federalist declaration of the European Resistance movements — ?fabio zUcca : The Resistance in the Alpine World and the Chivasso Charter — ?daniela PReda : European constitutional projects during World War II and the immediate post-war period .