The Idea of Knowing Something


Erschienen am 10.03.2018
CHF 8,90
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781984513571
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 64 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2018
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Idea of Knowing Something is a truthful account of what its like to be homeless in a town where something is definitely wrong when most of the people dont seem to notice or are apathetic toward the whole situation. It is a town where bones keep turning up on the sidewalk and junkies are disappearing as fast as they move into town. The book examines ideas toward what keeps happening in the news with President Trump and all his businessman talk about arming teachers. It takes a look toward some sort of ritual that nobody but the homeless junkies notice on what they believe to be chicken bones, and they keep dancing a sick mans game.This book will keep you in your home no matter how tempting it is to go homeless and will literally scare you senseless. But keep in mind that the facts in this book are true. You wont have to worry if you dont live in our town, a town thats haunted with ghosts of people who died on the street (or the railroad tracks) and one that was probably built on an Indian burial ground.Definitely, this is a book you want to let your kids grow up with before they hide under the blankets with a flashlight and tell ghost stories from.

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