This highly successful and popular book is now available in a thoroughly expanded and updated new edition. Alister E. McGrath, one of the world's leading theologians, provides readers with a concise and balanced introduction to Christianity as it has been interpreted by many of its greatest thinkers and commentators, from its beginning to the modern day. Theology: The Basic Readings, 3rd Edition comprises sixty-eight readings spanning twenty centuries of Christian history. To help readers engage with the material, each reading is accompanied by an introduction, comments, study questions, and a helpful glossary of terms used by its author. * Readings are drawn from a broad theological spectrum and include both historical and contemporary, mainstream, and cutting-edge approaches * Uses the Apostles' Creed as a framework to introduce readers to writings on key issues, such as faith, God, Jesus, creation, and salvation * Represents two thousand years of sustained critical reflection within western Christianity * Encourages readers to interact with each text and to engage with primary sources * Serves as an ideal companion to the bestselling, Theology: The Basics or as a standalone text Theology: The Basic Readings, 3rd Edition is an essential guide to the topics, themes, controversies, and reflections on Christianity as they have been understood by many of its greatest commentators.
ALISTER E. McGRATH is currently Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. He is regarded as one of the world's leading Protestant theologians and is the author of some of the world's most widely used theological textbooks, including the bestselling The Christian Theology Reader (5th edition, Wiley Blackwell, 2016), Christian Theology: An Introduction (6th edition, Wiley Blackwell, 2016), and Christianity (Wiley Blackwell, 2015).