Rapid Emergency and Unscheduled Careoutlines the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to work in the emergency and unscheduled care setting, including pre-hospital care.
Highlights key history/assessment knowledge, identifying red-flags, and defining and assisting with making a diagnosisExplores over 140 presenting ailments, with core information on definition, aetiology, epidemiology, history, examination, investigations and management.
Incorporating words of wisdom and advice from experienced practitioners, this A-Z reference book is essential for all those working in emergency care settings, including doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, paramedics, and allied health professionals.
List of contributors x
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xii
List of abbreviations xiii
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 3
Acute coronary syndrome 4
Anaphylaxis 5
Aortic dissection (thoracic) 8
Atrial fibrillation 9
Bradycardia 10
Deep vein thrombosis 12
Heart failure 13
Hypertension 14
Ischaemic lower limb 15
Myocarditis 16
Pericarditis 17
Shock 18
Tachycardia 19
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Acute sore throat 23
Auricular haematoma 24
Epiglottitis 24
Epistaxis 25
Foreign bodies 26
Glandular fever 27
Mumps 28
Nose injury 28
Otitis externa (acute) 29
Otitis media (acute) 29
Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy) 30
Diabetes mellitus: Type 1 35
Diabetes mellitus: Type 2 36
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) 36
Hyperkalaemia 38
Hypokalaemia 38
Abdominal trauma 43
Appendicitis 44
Biliary colic 45
Cholecystitis (acute) 45
Crohns disease 46
Diverticulitis 47
Gastroenteritis 48
Gastrointestinal bleeding (upper) 49
Gastrointestinal bleeding (lower) 52
Gastrointestinal perforation 52
Gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GORD) 53
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 54
Pancreatitis (acute) 55
Pancreatitis (chronic) 56
Paralytic ileus 57
Peptic ulcer disease 57
Peritonitis 58
Small bowel obstruction 59
Ulcerative colitis 60
Acute kidney injury (AKI) 65
Chronic renal failure 66
Renal colic 67
Testicular torsion 67
Urinary tract infection (UTI) 68
Infections, sepsis and infectious diseasesMalaria 73
Sepsis 74
Septic arthritis 75
Typhoid 76
Mental health emergencies
Mental health overview 81
Characteristics of different psychiatric illnesses 82
Acute confusion (delirium) 83
Acute psychosis 84
Acute anxiety and panic attacks 85
Deliberate selfharm 86
Mental Health Act overview 87
Achilles tendon injuries 91
Ankle injuries 92
Back pain (acute) 93
Calcanium fractures 95
Compartment syndrome 95
Elbow injuries 96
Femoral injuries 99
Foot injuries 101
Gastrocnemius muscle tears 103
Hand injuries 104
Knee injuries 107
Neck pain: Traumatic neck sprain 110
Pelvic fractures 111
Plantar fasciitis 111
Pulled elbow 112
Shoulder and clavicle injuries 113
Tibial/fibular injuries 114
Traumatic amputation 116
Upper limb injuries 116
Volar plate injuries 118
Wrist injuries 118
Bells palsy 123
Encephalitis 124
Epilepsy 125
Giant cell arteritis 126
GuillainBarre syndrome 127
Meningitis 128
Migraine 129
Minor head injuries 130
Status epilepticus 131
Stroke (cerebrovascular event) 132
Subarachnoid haemorrhage 133
Subdural haemorrhage 134
Obstetrics and gynaecology
Eclampsia 139
Ectopic pregnancy 139
Hyperemesis gravidarum 141
Miscarriage 141
Preeclampsia 142
Vaginal bleeding (late pregnancy) 143
Acute angleclosure glaucoma 147
Anterior uveitis 147
Blunt trauma 148
Chemical injury 149
Conjunctivitis 150
Corneal injury 150
Foreign bodies 151
Loss of vision 152
Subconjuctival haemorrhage 153
Superglue injuries 153
UV radiation injuries 154
Overdose and poisoning
Alcohol misuse and intoxication 157
Carbon monoxide poisoning 158
Drug misuse 158
Paracetamol overdose 159
Poisoning 160
Asthma 165
Chest sepsis (including pneumonia) 166
Chest wall injury 167
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 168
Croup (acute laryngotracheobronchitis) 170
Cystic fibrosis 171
Flail chest 172
Haemothorax 173
Lung cancer 173
Open chest wound: Medical emergency 174
Pulmonary embolism 174
Pneumothorax (simple) 175
Tension pneumothorax: Medical emergency 176
Abscesses 179
Animal bites 179
Burn to skin 180
Cellulitis 182
Dermatophyte infection of the skin: Body and groin 183
Human bite 184
Impetigo 185
Necrotising fasciitis 185
Scabies 186
Varicella infection 187
The electrocardiogram
Electrocardiograph (ECG) 191
Atrial fibrillation 191
Atrial flutter 191
Asystole 192
Firstdegree heart block 192
Normal sinus rhythm 192
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 192
Seconddegree heart block: Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) 193
Seconddegree heart block: Mobitz type 2 193
Sinus bradycardia 193
Sinus tachycardia 194
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) 194
Thirddegree heart block: Complete heart block 194
Torsade de pointes 194
Ventricular fibrillation 195
Ventricular standstill 195
Ventricular tachycardia (VT) 195
Index 197