This practical book provides empirically supported techniques that are effective for a wide range of problems, including enuresis, panic disorder, depression, and skills acquisition for the developmentally delayed. * Presents 60 chapters on individual therapies for a wide range of problems, such as smoking cessation, stress management, and classroom management * Chapters are authored by experts in their particular treatment approach. * Provides tables that clearly explain the steps of implementing the therapy
1. Editors Introduction.
2. Acceptance.
3. Anger (Negative Impulse) Management.
4. Assertiveness Skills Training and the Management of Related Factors.
5. Attribution Change.
6. Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression.
7. Behavioral Chaining.
8. Behavioral Contracting.
9. Bibliotherapy.
10. Biobehavioral Approach to Bowel and Toilet Training Treatment.
11. Breathing Retraining and Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques.
12. Classroom Management.
13. Cognitive Defusion.
14. Cognitive Restructuring of the Disputing of Irrational Beliefs.
15. Cognitive Restructuring: Behavioral Tests of Negative Cognitions.
16. Cognitive Restructuring: Identifying and Modifying Maladaptive Schemas.
17. Communication/Problem-Solving Skills Training.
18. Compliance with Medical Regimens.
19. Contingency Management Interventions.
20. Daily Report Cards: Home-School Contingency Management Procedures.
21. Dialectics in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy.
22. Differential Reinforcement of Low-Rate Behavior.
23. Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior.
24. Directed Masturbation: A Treatment of Female Orgasmic Disorder.
25. Emotion Regulation.
26. Flooding.
27. Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior.
28. Functional Communication Training to Treat Challenging Behavior.
29. Generalization Promotion.
30. Habit Reversal.
31. Harm Reduction.
32. Homework in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
33. Interoceptive Exposure for Panic Disorder.
34. Live (in vivo) Exposure.
35. Mindfulness Practice.
36. Modeling and Behavioral Rehearsal.
37. Moderate Drinking Training for Problem Drinkers.
38. Motivational Interviewing.
39. Multimodal Behavior Therapy.
40. Noncontingent Reinforcement as Treatment for Problem Behavior.
41. Pain Management.
42. Parent Training.
43. Perceived Self-Efficacy: Guided Mastery Therapy.
44. Positive Attention.
45. Problem-Solving Therapy.
46. Punishment.
47. Rapid Smoking.
48. Relapse Prevention.
49. Relaxation.
50. Response Prevention.
51. Satiation Therapy.
52. Self-Management.
53. Self-Monitoring as a Treatment Vehicle.
54. Sensate Focus for Sexual Dysfunction.
55. Shaping.
56. Social Skills Training.
57. Squeeze Technique for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation.
58. Stimulus Control.
59. Stimulus Preference Assessment.
60. Stress Inoculation Training.
61. Stress Management.
62. Systematic Desensitization.
63. Think-Aloud Techniques.
64. Time-Out (and Time-In).
65. Token Economy.
66. Treatment of Insomnia.
67. Urge Surfing.
68. Validation Principles and Strategies.
69. Working with Implosive (Flooding) Therapy.
Author Index.
Subject Index.