About the Authors.Acknowledgements.
Symbian Press Acknowledgments.
About this book.
1 Getting Started.
1.1 Using the Emulator.
1.2 Hello World – Text Version.
2 A System Introduction to Symbian OS.
2.1 Symbian OS Basics.
2.2 Framework Basics.
2.3 APIs Covered in this Book.
3 Symbian OS C++.
3.1 Fundamental Data Types.
3.2 Naming Conventions.
3.3 Functions.
3.4 APIs.
3.5 Templates.
3.6 Casting.
3.7 Classes.
3.8 Design Patterns.
4 Objects – Memory Management, Cleanup and Error Handling.
4.1 Object Creation and Destruction.
4.2 Class Categories in Symbian OS.
4.3 Error Handling.
4.4 The Cleanup Stack.
4.5 Two-Phase Construction.
5 Descriptors.
5.1 Overview.
5.2 Anatomy of Descriptors.
5.3 Literals.
5.4 Stack Descriptors.
5.5 Pointer Descriptors.
5.6 Heap Descriptors.
5.7 Narrow, Wide and Neutral Descriptors.
5.8 Descriptors and Binary Data.
5.9 Using Descriptors with Methods.
5.10 Some Descriptor Operations.
5.11 Correct Use of Descriptors.
5.12 Manipulating Descriptors.
6 Active Objects.
6.1 The Asynchronous Service.
6.2 Multitasking and Pre-emption.
6.3 A More In-depth Look at Active Objects.
6.4 How It Works.
6.5 Active Object Priorities.
6.6 Active Object Cancellation.
6.7 Starting and Stopping the Scheduler.
6.8 Understanding a Stray Signal.
6.9 Other Common Active Object Errors.
6.10 Implementing State Machines.
6.11 Long-Running Tasks and Active Objects.
7 Files and the File System.
7.1 File-Based Applications.
7.2 Drives and File Types.
7.3 File System Services.
7.4 Streams.
7.5 Stores.
8 Interprocess Communication Mechanisms.
8.1 Overview.
8.2 Client–server IPC.
8.3 Publis