Voyageur Classics is a series of special new versions of Canadian classics, with added material and special introductions by noted experts. This bundle contains some of the greatest Canadian fiction, including influential literature from Quebec (Maria Chapdelaine,The Town Below), a collection of the best of the legendary Pauline Johnson, Peregrine Aclands gripping Great War novelAll Else is Folly, a classic tale of Irish immigration (The Yellow Briar), and great novels from the renowned Hugh Garner (The Storm Below) and Wyndham Lewis (Self Condemned).
Any reader with an interest not only in Canadian literature, but in great fiction in general, will find this collection of great works an essential addition to their collection.
All Else Is FollyPauline JohnsonThe Town BelowSelf CondemnedStorm BelowThe Yellow BriarMaria Chapdelaine