'Board-Level Co-Determination in a Comparison of German and Polish Law. A Comparative Analysis of the German and Polish System of Board-Level Employee Involvement' The author undertakes a comprehensive and profound comparative study of board-level co-determination in Germany and Poland. The portrayal of the historical and ideological backgrounds is followed by a detailed analysis of the co-determination arising out of national and European regulations. The board-level co-determination is further examined in the context of the respective collective labour law system and corporate governance structures. Finally, the author deals with the reform debates.
Karolina Badura wurde in Nikolai (Polen) geboren. Sie studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin sowie am Kings College London. Das Rechtsreferendariat absolvierte sie am Oberlandesgericht München. Sie promovierte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und arbeitet als Rechtsanwältin in München.