High Angular Resolution in Astrophysics
Nato Science Series C: 501
Mourard, Denis / Léna, Pierre
Erschienen am
01.11.2011, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabePreface. High Angular Resolution Instrumentation. An Introduction to Atmospheric Turbulence; P. Léna. Design of Arrays for Ground Based Optical Interferometry; S.T. Ridgway. Kilometric Baseline Interferometry; P.Y. Bely. Observing with Optical/Infrared Long Baseline Interferometers; J. Davis. Imaging in Interferometry; O. Von der Lühe, N. Ageorges. Image Reconstruction: From Basic Notions Towards Methodological Strategies; A. Lannes. Radio Interferometry; S. Guilloteau. Very Long Baseline Interferometry; W.D. Cotton. Laser Guide Star; R. Foy. Astrophysics and High Angular Resolution. Solar-System Studies at High Angular Resolution; T. Encrenaz. Circumstellar Material Around Main Sequence and Evolved Stars; F. Paresce. Life on Extra-Solar Planets; A. Léger. High Angular Resolution Studies of Starburst Galaxies; D. Rouan. Oral Contributions. A New Detector for Wavefront Sensing in Adaptive Optics Applications; A.W. Kluttig, J.L.A. Fordham. Factors Affecting the Performance of Stellar Interferometers: Application to the VLTI Error Budgets; B. Koehler. Optical Interferometry and Ground-Based Astrometry after the Hipparcos Mission; G. Daigne. Improving the Natural Guide Star Magnitude Limit for Wavefront Sensing in an Open Loop System; O. Esslinger, M.G. Edmunds. Dispersion Compensation and Fringe Tracking; P.R. Lawson. Local Piston Detection of a Segmented Mirror Telescope with Curvature Sensing of Wavefronts Affected by Atmospheric Turbulence. Numerical Simulations; J.M. Rodriguez-Ramos, J.J. Fuensalida. The First Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey: A Morphological Classification Scheme of Powerful Radio Sources; A.G. Polatidis. Adaptive Optics Imagingof the Pre-Main Sequence Star YY Orionis; F. Ménard, F. Malbet. Detecting Disks Around Young Stellar Objects with Infrared Interferometers; F. Malbet. Detection of Circumstellar Dust Shell Around Supergiant TV Gem from Milliarcsecond Resolution Near Infrared Observations; S. Ragland, et al. Combined HST and HAR Imaging and Photometry of Eruptive Binaries in Globular Cluster Cores: Based Upon Observations Taken with the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the Hubble Space Telescope; R. Butler, et al. An Indirect Search for Low-Mass Companions to Distant Stars; M.V. Sazhin, I.A. Trifalenkov. Subject Index.