This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of techniques applied in biorefinery. it covers the basic principles, upfront research accomplishments as well as successful industrial applications, including all necessary steps for the provision and preparation of the biomass and all possible downstream processing steps. The book is structured in a way that is appropriate for advanced graduate students and professionals in diverse scientific and engineering communities, including biocatalysis, chemical catalysis, metabolic engineering, bioprocess engineering as well as in various engineering disciplines.
Prof. GREGORY N. STEPHANOPOULOS Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1978 M.S., University of Florida, 1975 B.S., National Technical University, Athens, 1973 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006 MIT, W.H. Dow Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 20062007 ETH, Visiting Professor, Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering, Zurich 200005 MIT, Bayer Professor of Chem. Eng. and Biotechnology 2000 MITHarvard Division of Health Science and Technology (HST), Professor 1990 1997 MIT, Associate Director, Biotechnology Center 1997 present Harvard University, MGH, Lecturer on Surgery and Bioengineering 1985 2000 MIT, Professor of Chemical Engineering 1983 1985 California Institute of Technology Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Chemical Engineering 1978 1983 California Institute of Technology Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering 1975 1978 University of Minnesota Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering MarchJuly, 1975 Union Carbide Corporation Linde Division, Tonawanda, New York Research and Development Engineer 19731975 University of Florida Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering 1972 Erbsloh Aluminum, Wuppertal, W. Germany, Summer Research Fellow Prof. Park, Jong Moon 1986 Ph.D.,Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester 19861988 PostDoc., University of Minessota 19881989 Section Head, Vipont Research Lab., Inc. 1996 Secretary of Research Affairs School of Environmental Engineering, POSTECH 19981999 McGill University, Visiting Professor Research Interest 1) Wastewater treatment 2) Bioremediation 3) Air pollution 4) Others: microbiological influenced corrosion(MIC) survey and biofiltration process to remove VOCs or toxic gases (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) are going on. Plant cell and tissue culture is another main stream of research activity of our group, through which high value complicated chemicals(mainly phytochemicals such as taxol(anti-cancer drug), ginkgoglide and sangunarine) can be produced in an environmentally friendly way.