In this book symbionts, tiny microorganisms in the blood, are presented as „the Consciousness that flows"; „The unknown miracle of creation within us." A modification of the environment of our blood can cause a change towards a parasitic development, which, without a doubt, ends up becoming a disease. Fortunately, restoring the original state of these parasitic growths is easy, provided that the reason for the affectation of the environment is known. In this way, related diseases also disappear.
Thanks to dark-field microscopy of blood and rad ionic testing, Ekkehard Sirian Scheller discovered the camouflaged fungi of Candida, which varied their shape, starting from the yeast of intestinal transit, adapted to the blood and no longer appea red in the form of yeast. Due to t he fermentation of glucose, extreme mycotoxins are produced, which increasingly destroy the mucous membrane system by constant corrosion. As a result, many secondary diseases arose that were usually treated as isolated diseases. Thus arose the term „Camouflage" and, later, the C-forms.
Borrelias have also learned to camouflage themselves, they are transmitted even by mosquitoes, and their existence, clinically, is no longer provable. The same goes for Trichomonas and the Epstein Barr Virus. More and more pathogens will learn to camouflage themselves to defend themselves from attack by our immune system and strong drugs.
More than 20 years ago, Ekkehard Sirian Scheller discovered how these systematic circuits were included in society and how they caused diseases on a large scale. „Infopathy" is a transmission of information to neutralize all disturbed body systems, as well as the corresponding mood processes. This occurs by restoring the original state of the Symbionts.
Candidalism - ISBN 9789088796302
Softcover - 326 pages