Life course approach in women's health.- Life course approach in obstetrics and gynaecology for patient care, education and research.- Reproductive medicine: ethical reflections.- Anatomy of the pelvis, pelvic organs and reproductive system.- Essentials of history taking and physical examination.- Preconception health and care.- Embryonic and fetal growth and development.- Birth and the neonatal period.- Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology.- Sexual health.- Contraception.- The normal and abnormal menstrual cycle.- Assisted reproductive technology.- Infertility.- Sexually transmitted infections.- Routine antenatal care, antenatal testing and fetal therapy.- Maternal adaptations.- Early pregnancy disorders.- Gestational disorders.- Chronic risk conditions and pregnancy.- Delivery and puerperium.- Abnormal uterine bleeding.- Pelvic floor disorders.- Benign pelvic mass.- Cervical pre-malignancies.- Breast cancer.- The menopause, the perimenopause and the postmenopause.- Uterine premalignancies.- Ovarian cancer.- Vulvar premalignancies.- Care for the elderly woman.