This book provides an insight about the maxillary expansion treatment procedure used in Orthodontics. Every orthodontic patients desires fast orthodontic treatment results. RME helps in faster expansion of constricted maxillary arch. Different appliances are being used to achieve rapid maxillary expansion. The prime objective of this book is to elucidate the advantages, disadvantages and the differences in the design and mode of action of widely used HYRAX Rapid Maxillary Expander and HAAS rapid Maxillary Expander.
Joyal M Johnson is post graduate student of Department of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics under the guidance of Dr. Reena R. Kumar at Divya Jyothi (D.J) College of Dental Sciences and Research. He is member of Indian Orthodontic Society. He has been a part of many national conferences, conventions and dental workshops.