The Tibetans, with their own form of Buddhism, have many gods and goddesses in their religious context. Within this Tibetan "tantric" Buddhism, the "Dakinis" represent an independent type of goddess. One highly revered goddess is the Dakini Vajrav?r?h? - (Tib.: Dorje Phagmo), a special form of the Dakini Vajrayogin?. Today, in our modern world, initiated monks in Tibetan culture continue to meditate with Vajrayogin? and Vajrav?r?h?. Today, however, paintings and statues of these dakinis are often collected and admired as art objects by art lovers whose emotions may be linked to Tibetan culture, philosophy and religion. The aim with this book is to document and interpret the historical process and the transition of this Dakini Vajrav?r?h? into the modern world through a large selection of images.