After over two years of COVID-19, there is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel: most events can take place again. New formats and digital approaches have become established and professionalised and the industry has gathered a wealth of valuable experience. But despite the waning pandemic and the tangible delight about every event, the restart is not proving easy due to a lack of personnel and war along with many still unanswered questions surrounding digital and hybrid experiences. Previous developments and many of the 45 projects in this edition show new approaches, but in some respects still no overall ideal answers. And that is quite alright - because we are in the middle of a learning process!
Katharina Stein ist selbstständige Online-Redakteurin und Kennerin der Eventdesign-Szene. 2009 gründete sie gemeinsam mit Henning Stein eveosblog, einen der bekanntesten und meistgelesenen Eventblogs in Deutschland.