Many researches hypothesize that user psychological and social factors such as attitude, norms, and intention underpin users factors involved in innovation adoption. This study argues that users readiness factors correlate with the success in innovation diffusion process, which is related to Users Information-Based Readiness. Although, there are many factors that can influence the acceptance of an innovation but when users information on that innovation is too low, researcher argues that innovation acceptance either will be low or will not be accepted. Also, researcher argues that an innovation may accepted or rejected because of a positive or negative values communicated to the potential user on a single aspect of the innovation. This single aspect could be the innovation characteristics itself or in some cases, a combination of costs and benefits, experience and exposure, knowledge and awareness of innovation may determine the relative acceptance or rejection of an innovation. This study establish a foundation and call for a holistic and philosophical approach to promote user readiness across IS researchers and refocus their efforts to research IS adoption process.
Dr. Zolait is the Assistant Professor of MIS at the College of Information Technology - Department of Information System-University of Bahrain.Dr.Zolait is considered a prominent scholar and leader in the field of Innovation diffusion and technology acceptance.