According to European and national schedules the Baltic Sea Region must cut its energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions dramatically within the next few decades. Substantial growth of renewable energy sources will be needed as well as a boost in energy efficiency. In this process small and medium sized enterprises (SME) play a key factor. The authors of this book - scientists, entrepreneurs and journalists - discuss how SMEs can make the best investment decisions to reduce their own energy consumption. Additionally the articles analyse new market opportunities opening up for SMEs, as implementing energy efficiency will happen mostly on a local level and on a rather small scale. For being able to seize these opportunities training and education of SMEs' staff are essential.The included texts are printed either in German or English.
Die Baltic Sea Academy ist ein Netzwerk von 15 Universitäten aus dem Ostseeraum, die sich gemeinsam der Forschung und Entwicklung der mittelständischen Wirtschaft widmen. Die Kooperation umfasst die Anfertigung von Analysen und Veröffentlichung, der konkreten gemeinsamen Forschungsarbeit mit mittelständischen Firmen bis hin zur Gestaltung von spezifischen Studiengängen und deren Umsetzung.