Exploring the purpose, nature of maturity, upshots and socio-economic impacts of Self-help Groups formed mainly under Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana on the lives of the group members and using the interview and discussion method, the book focuses on the fundamental, yet overlooked aspects that the positive outcome of self-help groups hinges on how far they are committed, equipped and capacitated and the crucial and decisive role the external and internal factors play in the culmination of the groups. The exposition and lessons are apt for designing and operationalising the poverty alleviation programmes and microfinance intervention in India.
Amal Mandal is presently Associate Professor of Political Science at Tufanganj College, West Bengal, India. Dr. Mandal has authored four books, viz., Rural Development in West Bengal, Women Workers in Brick Factory, Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions, Grassroots Governance: Gram Sabha in West Bengal (forthcoming).