Gender and Education
Towards New Strategies of Leadership and Power
Fahrenwald, Claudia / Bauer, Quirin
Erschienen am
01.11.2011, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Gender and Education - Towards New Strategies of Leadership and Power is the second publication of the "Women Leading Education" (WLE) Network. It presents the proceedings from the Second International Conference held in 2009 at the University of Augsburg in Germany. Invited researchers and practitioners from a growing number of countries throughout the world discussed the issues facing women in basic and higher education, clarified understanding, and determined the means by which they could most effectively provide increasing illumination for this critical aspect of social justice. Along with the University of Augsburg, the Women's Special Interest Group (SIG) of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee/USA, and the Duquesne University in Pittsburg/USA provided generous support for this conference. This publication deals with the proceedings from the Second International Conference Gender and Education - Towards New Strategies of Leadership and Power of the "Women Leading Education" (WLE) Network.
Dr. Hildegard Macha is Professor and Chair of Education and Adult Education in the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Augsburg, Germany. She is the Women's Representative of the University of Augsburg and Director of the Gender Centre Augsburg. Her research interests include gender studies, theory of education, family education, and adult continuing education. Current research projects and publications are Gender Mainstreaming Processes at Universities in Germany - Balancing and Optimizing (2009) together with Q. Bauer, S. Struthmann and S. Gruber; Collaborative Teacher Leadership and Peer Coaching (2009), together with A. Lödermann; Gender Mainstreaming at the University of Augsburg (2009), together with S. Handschuh-Heiss, M. MaggSchwarzbäcker and S. Gruber; and the Handbook of Family Research (2009), edited together with M. Witzke.