Panta rhei. The world is in motion. So is literary production. New literary genres like digi fiction, text-talk novels, fan fiction or illustrated novels, to name a few, have developed over the last 20 years. And TEFL has to reflect these new trends in literature production. These are some of the reasons why this book is dedicated to the use of post-millennial literary genres in English Language Teaching. As all edited volumes in the SELT (Studies in English Language Teaching) series, it follows a triple aim: 1. Linking TEFL with related academic disciplines, 2. Balancing TEFL research and classroom practice, 3. Combining theory, methodology and exemplary lessons. This triple aim is reflected in the three-part structure of this volume: Part A (Theory), Part B (Methodology), Part C (Classroom) with several concrete lesson plans.
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Thaler ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik des Englischen an der Universität Augsburg. Seine über 600 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen befassen sich mit der Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität, Lehrerausbildung, Medien- und Literaturdidaktik, interkulturellem Lernen und der Entwicklung von Lehrwerken.
A. Theory
Engelbert Thaler: Lit 21 Teaching Post-Millennial Literature
Ansgar Nünning: Changing Contexts, New Concerns and the Cultural Dynamics of Generic
Change: Emerging Genres and New Trends in 21st-Century British and American Novels
Thomas Strasser: Theres an App for that!?. How Educational Applications Enhance the Teaching of Literature in the EFL Classroom
B. Methodology
Frauke Matz: The Challenge of Teaching Dystopian Narratives in the Global Age. Learning about the Terrors of the 21st Century in the EFL classroom
Katrin Thomson: Write. Type. Post. Send Text-Talk Fiction in English Language Teaching. Literary Learning with a Lit21 Genre
Sophia von Finckenstein: Series21: House of Cards and the Shakespeare Effect
Claudia Detjeen: Teaching Comics Journalism. Jake Halpern and Michael Sloans Welcome to the New World. The True Story of a Syrian Familys Journey to America and Josh Neufelds A.D.: New Orleans after the Deluge
Valentina Kleinert: Drabbles
Cherelle Hobson: Graphic Novels
Isabel Mair: Digital Picture Books
Maximilian Leoson, Julian Schafroth: Fanfiction
Eduard Gitt: Text-Talk Fiction
Anja Wahler: Digi Fiction
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