Lianne Bilgenroth / Gabriele Lehari 717 Household Hints Oops did you somehow manage to get cherry stains on your carpet or watermarks on your new, stylish leather shoes? Has your vanilla pudding burnt hard into the baking form, or is your poinsettia already losing its leaves in November? Dont worry the solutions to these problems are right here! This book features 717 hints and tips for removing stains, looking after indoor plants and how best to deal with foodstuffs and textiles. Even automobile breakdowns wont seem so daunting. These tips will make your life easier, and also save you time and money.
Dr. Gabriele Lehari ist Biologin, selbstständige Lektorin und Übersetzerin für Sachbücher mit den Schwerpunkten Natur, Umwelt, Hobby. Lianne Bilgenroth, Oberhausen (NRW), hat besondere Kenntnisse in der Haushaltsführung und -organisation erworben, wozu sie unter anderem auch das Handwerken und die Blumenpflege zählt.