Problem Dogs in Training The range of problems in human-dog relationships that their dog trainers have to deal with is very great. Some of these problems are easy to solve, given a degree of experience and a few simple tips, while others require an individual training plan, special exercise conditions and specially tailored training. This guide helps you find the causes of difficulties, develop possible solution approaches and solve any problems in a targeted manner - whether aggression, stress, fear or panic in your dog.
Monika Schaal, Weinstadt (BW), ist Hundeausbilderin und berät in ihrer tier- ärztlichen Praxis für Verhaltensstörungen und -therapie. Ursula Thumm, Satteldorf (BW) züchtet Golden Retriever. Sie hat jahrelang in der Rettungshunde- und Jagdhundearbeit Erfahrungen gesammelt.