Among the actual questions regarding agrarian policy are those which maintain their actuality for ? very 10ng period, and others which concern politics ??l? for ? short time. Above ??, the adaption of the agrarian str?ct?re to the business and living standards of modern industrial society concerns is ??? ?? the 10ng-term problems. Thereby it deals with ? world wide process, which in ?????? Market countries, because ?? integration, has ??l? ? specific character. ?? discern are the problems ?? market organi sation and ?? agrarian price levels which are subject to ? time limit fixed ?? the Brussels authorities. Since ?? report in July 1963 some important decisions have ???? made, which at the time were certainly forseen, but ?? which ? concrete shape could not ?? presented. In particular the decided approximation ?? cereal prices ??! 1967, the composition ?? some market regulations and the ?? ginning ?? negotiations ?? the GATT belong to these decisions. ?? ??! the biggest part ?? the report was concerned with agrarian struct?ral problems, and these have 10st nothing ?? their actua1ity.
InhaltsangabeAktuelle Fragen der Agrarpolitik im Rahmen der europäischen Integration.- Diskussion.- Probleme der Pflanzenzüchtung im neuen Europa.- Diskussion.