The definitive interdisciplinary reference work for wound ballistics
The book begins by providing the necessarybasic knowledge about physics, ballistics and ammunition and weapons. Then it describes the behaviour of projectiles in humans and animals (the physics of gunshot injuries) and introduces theexperimental simulation of gunshot wounds, including the materials suitable for this purpose.
These basic principles can be applied inforensic medicine andcriminalistics. The gunshot wound provides some forensic traces and the experimental reconstruction helps to understand the dynamic crime process. The wounding potential of non-lethal weapons can be determined.
Inemergency and war surgery, injuries caused by small arms bullets and fragments as well as by gas jets (of gas weapons) can be assessed.
International conventions could be freed from undefined terms (such as unnecessary suffering) with the help of physical quantities.
Reference work
Detailed tables as e. g. ballistic data of numerous cartridge types, also older ones, material properties, as well as many otherwise difficult to access data and atrilingual glossary of ballistic and technical terms in the languages German, English and French.
Wound Ballistics of European Police ammunition
References to recent research results
Partly coloured illustrations
Due to the increase in terrorist and criminal activities worldwide, it is not only members of the armed forces who are affected. Surgeons, forensic doctors, police officers and criminalists also need to know and be able to assess the specifics of gunshot wounds.