A comprehensive book presenting the introduction of air pollutants and their impacts. The coverage includes a literature review of air quality monitoring and modeling. Also discussed the methodology for dispersion modeling of air pollutants in thermal power plants. An attempt has been made for the development of Emissions inventory, the Emissions inventory provided all the basic information and data required for air pollution modeling, and clearly described the details of site specific conditions. Also the book covered the prediction of primary pollutants using Gaussian formulae with worst case input data, the prediction of primary pollutants using ISCST3 model with site-specific data and the development of Artificial Neural Network model for forecasting of ground level ozone in the vicinity of a Thermal power plant. ANN model was used to resolve the complex correlation between ozone and other input parameters particularly Nitrogen oxides and temperature. With its systematic approach, unified presentation and comprehensive coverage, including data pertaining to Thermal power plant conditions, the book would be immensely useful to practicing environmental engineers.
The author obtained his MSc from Sri Venkateswara University, MPhil from Annamalai University and ME from Sathyabama University. He received Ph.D in Environmental Engineering from Sri Venkateswara University. He has 5 years of industrial and 15 years of teaching experience. He published many papers on various aspects of environmental Engineering.