Business, Corporate or non-corporate, does not operate in a vacuum. Any type of business activity has its impact upon society.Most of the decisions taken by companies not only affect owners but also, creditors, employees and the society at large in one way or the other.The relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate social reporting is one of the cause and effect.Social reporting is needed because society has certain rights to information.Corporate Social Reporting also helps management to identify areas or problems requiring corporate confrontation and correction for social accomplishment. It also helps in setting priorities. It serves as a bench mark of corporate contribution to social progress over time periods.The Companies should produce social reports because it is good public relations. If a company is pursuing social activities over and above the legal requirements then it is in the interest of the company to report to society such activities.I am confident that this book will be very useful for corporate managers,students, research scholars and policy makers.
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mahajan is an eminent researcher, scholar teacher and educationist. He has 25 years experience in teaching & research. He has co-authored two books and published ten papers in International & National Journals. He has participated and presented papers in more than 20 International & National Seminars and Conferences.