Document from the year 2013 in the subject Environmental Sciences, language: English, abstract: Global warming is now universally accepted as being the greatest environmental threat to mankind in the current century. The impacts are staggering. Antarctic ice is thinning at increasingly rapid rates, with correspondingly massive influxes of fresh water into the worlds oceans. All these changes are due mostly to human activities, particularly in raising the levels of CO2, a major greenhouse gas (GHG). Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have risen 35% since the Industrial Revolution. This increase is primarily due to anthropogenic activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Reducing the rate of GHG emissions will be an enormous challenge for everyone throughout the world which must be fought on many fronts. This work broadly analyses the main issues and subjects concerning several devices and laws for climate change mitigation. Chapter 1: Climate change and Green House Gases Emissions Chapter 2: Kyoto Protocol and GHG emissions reduction Chapter 3: Emissions trading Chapter 4: GHG emissions estimation and inventory Chapter 5: GHG emission reduction technologies
Lawyer; Master in Business Law; Major in Environmental Law; Diploma in Business Contracts; Executive Education - Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS). Leader Professional in Ethics & Compliance (LPEC/ECI); Internal Auditor in Antibribery Management Systems (Tüv-Nord); Certified Compliance Professional (IFCA). Member of the Board of Directors - International Law Association (local branch) Corporate Member - International Bar Association - Latam Regional Forum (IBA) Non resident member - New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs (HAE) Director | Ecolex