Traffic and Granular Flow 99
Social, Traffic, and Granular Dynamics
J Herrmann, H / Schreckenberg et al, M
Erschienen am
01.12.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
"Are there common phenomena and laws in the dynamic behavior of granular materials, traffic, and socio-economic systems?" The answers given at the international workshop "Traffic and Granular Flow '99" are presented in this volume. From a physical standpoint, all these systems can be treated as (self)-driven many-particle systems with strong fluctuations, showing multistability, phase transitions, non-linear waves, etc. The great interest in these systems is due to several unexpected new discoveries and their practical relevance for solving some fundamental problems of today's societies. This includes intelligent measures for traffic flow optimization and methods from "econophysics" for stabilizing (stock) markets.
InhaltsangabeForeword.- Preface.- List of Participants.- Social Dynamics.- Recurrence in Physical and Social Systems.- Econophysics: What Can Physicists Contribute to Economics?.- Catastrophe Effects and Optimal Extensions of Transportation Flows in the Developing Urban System: A Review.- Evolutionary Models of Innovation Dynamics.- Universality of Group Decision Making.- Formation of Opinions under the Influence of Competing Agents -a Mean Field Approach.- Search for Intelligence by Motion Analysis;-).- Anticipatory Traffic Forecast Using Multi-Agent Techniques.- Modal Split and Social Dilemmas.- Synthetising Brillouin Information-Thermodynamic Approach with the Social Synergetics Weidlich-Haag Model.- Biology, Internet, Transport Theory.- Evolution of Molecular Phenotypes - A Physicist's View of Darwin's Principle.- Stochastic Resonance and Brownian Machinery: New Results -New Applications - New Goals.- Studies of Bacterial Cooperative Organization.- Collective Motion and Optimal Self-Organisation in Self-Driven Systems.- Active Brownian Particles with Internal Energy Depot.- Associative Memory of a Pulse-Coupled Noisy Neural Network with Delays: The Lighthouse Model.- Application of Neural Networks for Predictive and Control Purposes.- Optimizing Traffic in Virtual and Real Space.- Is Boltzmann's Equation Physically Insufficient?.- Fractional Evolution Equations and Irreversibility.- Dynamical Theory of Steady State Selection in Open Driven Diffusive Systems.- Application of a Deterministic Scheme for the Boltzmann Equation in Modelling Shock Wave Focusing.- Nonlinear Waves and Moving Clusters on Rings.- Freezing by Heating in a Pedestrian Model.- Traffic Data and Applications.- Phase Transitions in Traffic Flow.- An Integrated Model of Transport and Urban Evolution (ITEM) -Traffic and City Development in Emergent Nations.- Statistical Analysis of Freeway Traffic.- Nonlinear Control of Stop-and-Go Traffic.- Online Simulation and State Estimation for a Traffic Flow Model.- Traffic News by Dynamic Fuzzy Classification.- Evaluation of Single Vehicle Data in Dependence of the Vehicle-Type, Lane, and Site.- Forecasting of Traffic Congestion.- Empirical Phase Diagram of Traffic Flow on Highways with On-Ramp.- On-Line Simulation of the Freeway Network of North Rhine-Westphalia.- Traffic Data Collection Using Image Processing Technology.- Modelling of Traffic Flow.- Microscopic Simulation of Congested Traffic.- Order Parameter as an Additional State Variable of Unstable Traffic Flow.- Macroscopic Simulation of Open Systems and Micro-Macro Link.- Relating Car-Following and Continuum Models of Road Traffic.- Microscopic Randomness in Foliow-the-Leader Dynamics.- "Car-SPH": A Lagrangian Particle Scheme for the Solution of the Macroscopic Traffic Flow Equations.- An Exactly Solvable Two-Way Traffic Model with Ordered Sequential Update.- Exact Traveling Cluster Solutions of Differential Equations with Delay for a Traffic Flow Model.- Stable and Metastable States in Congested Traffic.- Detailed Microscopic Rules to Simulate Multilane Freeway Traffic.- CA Models for Traffic Flow: Comparison with Empirical Single-Vehicle Data.- A New Cellular Automata Model for City Traffic.- Stochastic Boundary Conditions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg Traffic Model.- A Stochastic Multi-Cluster Model of Freeway Traffic.- Granular Dynamics.- Jamming Patterns and Blockade Statistics in Model Granular Flows.- Kinetics of Granular Gases.- Particle Segregation in the Context of the Species Momentum Balances.- Avalanche Parameters: Dependence on the Size of the Granular Packing.- Ripple Formation in a Saltation-Avalanche Model.- Particle Diffusion and Segregation in Rotating Cylinders.- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cohesive Granular Materials.- A Model for Slowly Moving Granular Matter.- Pressure Distribution of a Two-Dimensional Sandpile.