Natalia Martínez-León, Ana Andúgar, Beatriz Cortina-Pérez: Introduction – Julie Waddington, Helen Hedges, Sabine Little, Dario Luis Banegas, Maria Cooper, Moisès Esteban- Guitart: Funds of Knowledge and Identity Approaches to Early Language Education: Experiences From across the Globe – Mónica Lourenço: Nurturing Children’s Global Citizenship Through Multilingual Pedagogies – Ana Isabel García Abellán: Early Literacy Acquisition in EFL and Bilingual Settings: Some Insights from Research – Vivi Paraskevi Thomou, Christos Christodoulakis :Metalinguistic Awareness: A Crucial Factor of Language Learning and Teaching – Soon Young Jang: Translanguaging in a Heritage Language Classroom: Inclusive and Collaborative Learning Pedagogy – Raquel Fernández- Fernández, Ana Virginia López- Fuentes: Project- Based Learning and Picture Books in the CLIL Pre- primary Classroom: A Winning Combination to Develop Intercultural Competence – Máire Mhic Mhathúna, Aisling Ní Dhiorbháin, Pádraig Ó Duibhir: Supporting the Acquisition of Irish as a Minority Language in the Early Years: An Analysis of Three Family, Community and Early Childhood Education Projects – Kelly Shoecraft: Fostering a Multilingual Classroom: Insights from Children’s Agentive and Flexible Language Use During Imaginary Play – Rocío Domene- Benito, Matilde Portalés- Raga, Ana Benavent- Colás: Fostering Early Multilingualism and Multiculturalism Through the Democratic Art of My Museum by Joanne Liu – Sara Isabel Rendón Romero, Christopher Jolly, Macarena Navarro Pablo: Biliteracy at Early Stages: Teaching Spanish and English Literacy Simultaneously – Ana M. Rico- Martín, María- José Molina- García, Ligia Isabel Estrada- Vidal, Silvia Corral- Robles: Family and English Reading in Early Childhood: Attitudes and Habits – José Alejandro Ángeles- González, Evaristo Bernabé- Chávez: Family, The Community and the Teachers as Agents of Development and Maintenance of Language and Culture. Let’s Continue Speaking Otomi – Aldo Anzures Tapia, Nancy H. Hornberger: Maya Children Doing Language Policy: Tracing Spaces – Maj- Britt Wesemeyer, Facundo Reyna- Muniain: Family Language Policies Within French- and Spanish- Speaking Families Residing in Germany – Beatriz Cortina- Pérez: Rethinking Teacher Knowledge Base (TKB) for Early Childhood – Additional Language Teachers – Mari Bergroth, Monica Londen: Preparing Early Childhood Teachers for Multilingual Pedagogies Beyond Bilingualism – Kirsten Birsak de Jersey: English in Inclusive Multilingual Preschools: Researching the Potential of a Teacher Education Model for In- Service Teachers – Javier Fernández Molina: Exploring the Views of Spanish Pre- Service Teachers on Phonics from a Qualitative Research Perspective – Sviatlana Karpava: Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Young EFL Learners – Brief Narrative CV of Each Volume Author/ Editor.