The book provides a complex comparative perspective over a region which shares both common and divergent features with the rest of Europe.
Ioan Aurel Pop, Alexandru Simon : March 1475: The Italian Reception of Warfare on the Eastern Frontiers of Christendom — Zoltan Iusztin : Ratio Oeconomicam – War Economy at the South-Western Frontiers of the Hungarian Kingdom at the End of the Fifteenth Century — Adrian Magina : Living in fear. Life at the Southern Frontier of the Hungarian Kingdom (in the Fourteenth-Sixteenth centuries) — Nándor Virovecz : Ottoman advance on the North between the Capture of Buda and the Construction of the Border Fortress Line — Livia Magina : Cross-Border Mobility: War Refugees in Early Modern Transylvania — Gelu Fodor : An Eighteenth Century Constitutional Struggle: Institutions, Defence and Border Legislative Matters between the Imperial Court and the Transylvanian Diet — Liviu Cîmpeanu : Ad Retinendam Coronam. Military Organization at the Transylvanian Border in the Late Middle Ages: The Transylvanian-Saxon Militias — Florin Nicolae Ardelean : Frontiers and Military Organization in Transylvania: The Guardsman (Drabant/Darabont) during the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century — Csaba Izsán : Between Soldier and Guard: the Roles of the Town Mercenaries in the Late Sixteenth- Early Seventeenth Century Cluj (Klausenburg/Kolozsvár), Sighi?oara (Schässburg/ Segesvár) and Bra?ov (Kronstadt/ Brassó) — Jelena Ili? Mandi? : Making the Border and Frontiersmen. Militarization in Temeswarer Banat 1764-1775 — Csaba Horváth : Defending the Eastern Confines of the Habsburg Monarchy: A Forgotten Border Guard Regiment in Eighteenth-Century Transylvania — Julia Derzsi : The Border Fort and its Servants. Turnu Ro?u in the Sixteenth Century — Gizella Nemeth, Adriano Papo : The Fortress of Eger in the Mid-Sixteenth Century on the Border between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire: the Siege of 1552 — Zoltán Péter Bagi : Raids and Sieges along the Habsburg-OttomnFrontier in Hungary: The Siege of Hegyesd: 31 March-9 April, 1562 — Ovidiu Cristea : Castello di Varadino passo principale della Transilvania: Giovanni Marco Isolano’s Relation on the Siege of Oradea (1598) — Florina Ciure : The Conquest of Oradea by the Habsburgs in Italian Sources (1691-1692) .