This volume offers the possibility to delve into a variety of issues in multiculturalism. It sets out on an excursion in the pursuit of the multitude of multicultural faces adopted by contemporary social and political forces occurring across traditionally constructed states and the nations that reach far beyond them.
Izabela Handzlik lectures at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. Her main research interests revolve around multiculturalism and Muslim communities in both the United States and Europe.
?ukasz Sorokowski lectures at Ko?mi?ski University in Warsaw. His research efforts are focused on the post-devolution reality of the UK: primarily Scottish identity politics as part of Scotland’s growing independence aspirations in the twentieth century.
Contents: Micha? D?browski: The language of the social world at a border crossing – Antoni Górny: Thank you for talking to me, Africa: Multiculturalism and black urban America – Izabela Handzlik: Muslim communities in the United States: A multicultural puzzle – Anja van Heelsum: Moroccan associations in the Netherlands: how organization leaders deal with the stigmatisation of the Moroccan community – Zuzanna Jakubowska: The Spanish expedition to Easter Island, 1770: Original documents and their rendition by Bolton Glanvill Corney – Anna Jawor: Is a rainbow society possible? Sociological challenges in the age of postmodern multiculturalism – Dolores Morondo Taramundi: Is multiculturalism bad for women, still? Persisting dilemmas in cultural and religious accommodation in Europe – Emma Oki: On being Asian: East-Asian Americans and Canadians in selected North American multicultural graphic novels – Natalia Pastewska-Sorokowska: African rhythm, Cuban soul: The musical heritage of slavery in Cuba – Eduardo J. Ruiz-Vieytez: Definitional trends in the legal management of national and religious minorities (diversity) – ?ukasz Sorokowski: Between nationhood and statehood, unionism and nationalism: Scotland’s identity politics in the devolution discourse since the 1950s – Aleksandra Wycisk: Controversies over Polish city marketing strategies.