InhaltsangabeMagnetic monopoles and non-abelian gauge groups.- Present status of supersymmetry.- Monopole theories with strings and their applications to meson states.- Quarks and the Poincare group SU(6) x SU(3) as a classification group for baryons.- Wave equations for extended hadrons.- Covariance principle and covariance group in presence of external E.M. Fields.- Dynamical SU(3) model for strong interactions and ? particles.- Local and global equivalence of projective representations.- Invariant e'quations on the fibre bundles.- Gauge groups in local field theory and superselection rules.- The algebraic method in representation theory.- Geometric quantization and graded Lie algebras.- Construction explicite de l'indice de Maslov. Applications.- Twistor theory and geometric quantization.- Quantisation as deformation theory,.- Relativistic canonical systems: A geometric approach to their space-time structure and symmetries.- Propagators in quantum mechanics on multiply connected spaces.- On the quantisation of the Kepler manifold.- On wave functions in geometric quantization.- Dynamical prequantization, spectrum-generating algebras and the classical Kepler and harmonic oscillator problems.- Weyl quantisation on a sphere.- Conformal group, quantization, and the Kepler problem.- Exceptional groups and elementary particles.- A propos des brisures spontanés de symétrie.- Geometry of generalized coherent states.- Coherent states for boson systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics.- Coherent states and Pippard networks.- The algebraic approach to nuclear structure problems.- Lie Groups and the Jahn-Teller Effect for a Color Center.- Symmetries and statistics in nuclear physics.- Group theory in polymer physics.- Group theoretical approach to bloch electrons in antiferromagnets.- U (5) ? O (5 )? o (3) and the exact solution for the problem of quadrupole vibrations of the nucleus.- Wave vector selection rules for space groups.- A chemist looks at the structure of symmetry groups.- Cacnonical transformations and gaussian integral kernels in nuclear physics.- Crystals as dynamical systems: A new class of models.- Non linear canonical transformations and their representations in quantum mechanics.- Invariance groups of young operators; pauling numbers.- Applications of Group Theory to Nuclear Reactions: A Critical Survey.- The canonical resolution of the multiplicity problem for U(3): An explicit and complete constructive solution.- On space-time groups.- Frame's conjugating representation and group extensions.- Symmetries of differential equations in mathematical physics.- On the determination of factor systems of PUA - representations.- Complex extension of the representation of the symplectic group associated with the canonical commutation relations.- Continuous unitary projective representations of Polish groups: The BMS-group.- The Hilbert space L2(SU(2)) as a representation space for the group (SU(2) × SU(2)) ? S2.- Induction from a normal nilpotent subgroup.- Spinor representations.- Weight multiplicities for the classical groups.- Casimir operators of subalgebras of the Poincare Lie algebra and of real Lie algebras of low dimension.- The maximal solvable subalgebras of the real classical lie algebras. II.- Physics and deformation theory of finite and infinite Lie algebras.- Wigner 3j-symbols and the Lorentz group.- Description of symmetries in indefinite metric spaces.- Partial diagonalization of Bethe-Salpeter type equations.- Group structure for classical lattice systems of arbitrary spin.- Equivalent Lagrangians and quasicanonical transformations.- Group theory of massless Boson fields.- Some considerations about Nelson's derivation of Schroedinger equation.- The "Galilean" components of a position operator for the photon.- Group theoretic aspects of Gibbs space.- Approximate symmetry.- Cohomology of the action differential forms.- Correlation inequalities in a class of lattice systems in statistical mechanics.- What i