It was by some mercy of God that thou Mohammad wast gentle to the people; hadst thou been harsh and hard of heart, they would have scattered from about thee. So pardon them, and pray forgiveness for them, and take counsel with them in the affairs; and when thou art resolved, put thy trust in God; surely God loves those who put their trust.If God helps you, none can overcome you; but if He forsakes you, who then can help you after Him? Therefore in God let the believers put all their trust. (Quran: 159,160/ 3) Unfortunately, today some intemperate Islamic groups like: Al-Qaeda, Taliban and especially, the newborn barbaric ideology of ISIS have introduced themselves as real followers of Quran, but we believe they are not anything else some insurgent gangs among underdeveloped societies in Islamic Community (from the western Africa to the eastern Asia, and especially in Middle-East). By presenting this book The Political Heritage of Quran to all readers, especially the researchers and academic experts, and even the governmental authorities, they will be able to have a better chance to distinguish those groups real identification and goals.
As a researcher at Harvard University, The young Iranian professor; Seyyed H.A Mousavi is the author of more than 65 specialized books. This book is the first English book of Mousavi's and it is on political heritage of Muslims' holy book, Quran. It wants to consider the amount of efficacity of Quran on the political situation of Islamic Community.