InformationReuse and Integration addresses the efficient extension and creation ofknowledge through the exploitation of Kolmogorov complexity in the extractionand application of domain symmetry. Knowledge, which seems to be novel, canmore often than not be recast as the image of a sequence of transformations,which yield symmetric knowledge. When the size of those transformations and/orthe length of that sequence of transforms exceeds the size of the image, thenthat image is said to be novel or random. It may also be that the new knowledgeis random in that no such sequence of transforms, which produces it exists, oris at least known.
Thenine chapters comprising this volume incorporate symmetry, reuse, andintegration as overt operational procedures or as operations built into theformal representations of data and operators employed. Either way, theaforementioned theoretical underpinnings of information reuse and integrationare supported.
Reuseand integration of specification logics: the hybridisation perspective.- Test Reactive Systems with Büchi-Automaton-Based Temporal Requirements.- Capturingand Verifying Dynamic Systems Behavior Using UML and -calculus.- AReal-time Concurrent Constraint Calculus for Analyzing Avionic Systems Embeddedin the IMA Connected Through TTEthernet.- CaseIndexing by Component, Context and Encapsulation for Knowledge Reuse.- Intelligent DecisionMaking for Customer Dynamics Management Based on Rule Mining and Contrast SetMining A Segmentation Analysis Perspective.- IsData Sampling Required When Using Random Forest for Classification onImbalanced Bioinformatics Data?.- ConcurrentAlignment of Multiple Anonymized Social Networks with Generic Stable Matching.- AnAccurate Multi-sensor Multi-target Localization Method for Cooperating Vehicles.