Well-known scholars in the study of religions bring up to date and elucidate the discussion on the three most debated approaches in comparative religion, namely, the hermeneutical approach, the explanatory or cognitivist approach, and the critical approach. The approaches and methods of studying religion are disputed in an outspoken and challenging way, critically and radically arguing pros and cons. This work is unique, unrivalled, and full of essential insights into the dialogue of today and of the challenges of tomorrow.
Understanding Religion:René Gothóni; Douglas Allen; Teuvo Laitila; Tom Sjöblom; Terhi Utriainen; Douglas Allen;Explaining Religion:Ilkka Pyysiäinen; Donald Wiebe; Nils G. Holm; Veikko Anttonen; René Gothóni; Donald Wiebe;Critical Approaches in the Comparative Study of Religion:Tuula Sakaranaho; Rita M. Gross; Elisa Heinämäki; Kimmo Ketola; Teemu Taira; Rita M. Gross;Summary:Kari Mikko VesalaandHeikki Pesonen