Shaping the Futures of (Vocational) Education and Work
Commitment of VET and VET Research
Molzberger, Gabriele / Wahle, Manfred
Erschienen am
21.04.2015, Auflage: 1. Auflage
Contents: Manfred Wahle: Vocational Schooling in Elberfeld and Barmen: 1880–1912. Historical and Local Perspectives on Vocational Education and Training – Ester Berner: Vocational Education and Training in the Early 20th Century – Steffi Robak: Culture, Cultural Differences and Cultural Education - Analysing Learning and Educational Processes of German-Speaking Expatriates in Transnational Enterprises in China – Marion Fleige: The Notion of ‘Benefits’ in Continuing Vocational Education (CVET) - Towards a Theoretical Pedagogical Understanding and a Heuristic Model for Research – Liv Mjelde: Mentoring Vocational Self-Reliance: Lessons from Uganda – Philipp Gonon: The Difficulty of Becoming Successful Learner – Beatrix Niemeyer: Beyond Comparison: A Global Ethnography of Educational Boundary Work – Arnt Vestergaard Louw: Access, Entry and Researcher-Participant Position: Challenges and Potentials in Doing Anthropological Fieldwork in VET – Anna Rosendahl: Quality Improvement and Transparency in Vocational Education and Training in the Context of Evaluation - A Comparison between Germany and England – Lorenz Lassnigg: ‘Austria 2050’ - Approaches towards Anticipation of Future Education – Anja Heikkinen: Cross-Cultural Perspective in Shaping the Future of Vocational Education.