Have you ever noticed how many parents tend to encourage their kids to behave during the Christmas season because Santa is watching, and taking notes of who's good and who's naughty? Well this is the story of how Santa Claus, Frosty, and Peter Cottontail all decided to work together, not in seasonal shifts, as per the norm, but rather all year round to encourage children everywhere to behave all throughout the year because Santa now has his buddies helping to keep his lists updated. Although the story is filled with holiday characters, this was intended to be neither a holiday nor Christian book; instead, the author thought it was important to give kids a new perspective on the importance of good behavior and obedience, and to also help spread God's name to anyone who may have never heard of Jesus or his guardian angles. The author wanted a very colorful story that would encourage kids to explore their imagination and curiosity, and with adults in mind who simply enjoy reading to their little ones. The author is an Air Force veteran who was reminded how important family is, and wanted to give back in a fun and exciting way; a way in which he had hoped would help bring the family closer together in the more traditional sense, as opposed to all the distracting and mind-numbing electronics of today...good, old fashioned, story time.