Chris Thompson spent nine years in the US Navy Submarine Service in a nuclear-powered FBM submarine as a machinists mate 2nd Class/SS. His first assignment out of submarine school was the USS Simon Bolivar SSBN 641 (Blue), one of the aEURoe41 for Freedom.aEUR He was a mess cook, seaman gang leader, and qualified to stand nine watch stations.
His second assignment was as a crew member of the USS Von Steuben SSBN 632 (Blue) as a machinists mate 1st Class/SS. He made sixteen deterrent patrols and had more than four and a half years underwater in that capacity including: Shake Down, Sea Trials, and Special OPs. Near the end of his enlistment, the Von Steuben was sent to Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. to refuel the reactor. There he was assigned as Auxiliary Division A-LPO, section leader, and damage control PO, and completed the Virginia EMT requirements to augment the Shipyard's Fire Department as a first responder.
These humorous short stories are experiences he had while he served at sea over those nine years.