Pro App Development with Flutter

Optimize Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Erscheint am 01.11.2024
CHF 68,90
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781484293218
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage


Take the next step in building your Flutter skillset. Whether you're starting from scratch or attempting to add Flutter to an existing application, this book will show you the tools and tricks you need to get going, and how to make sure that your application is performing as fast and as stable as possible. You'll start by expanding upon your knowledge of one of the most crucial Flutter features-the widget. You'll optimize your use of widgets and how they work together, so that your applications are as robust and high-performing as possible. Next ,you'll focus on one of the most important features of any application: the overall user experience. You'll build better, more attractive, more fully functional user interfaces that will help you keep existing customers and draw in new ones. You'll also leverage another important feature of Flutter-its ability to deploy applications quickly across all platforms-iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Unix. Finally, you'll see how to deal with an increasingly important issue for all applications: data security and privacy. This book outlines several steps every application developer should follow to harden their applications against potential threats. With the help of Pro App Development with Flutter, not only will you be building better applications and enhancing your customer's experiences, but you'll make yourself even more marketable, whether for advancement in your own company or for new opportunities. What You'll Learn Program advanced Flutter widgets Design complex UI/UX for Flutter applications Implement device specific Flutter instances Secure your applications Optimize performance for Flutter apps Who This Book Is ForMobile and web app developers who already have experience with both Flutter and Dart but are looking to strengthen their skills.


Theodoros Karasavvas has a degree in law from the University of Athens, as well as a Master's Degree in Technology Law from Aix-Marseille University, France. A native speaker of Greek, he also speaks and writes in English, French and Italian. He's a published author and has written more than 1,500 articles for several notable websites and print media, such as Ars Technica, Forbes, AT&T Cybersecurity, Gizmodo and Stackoverflow, among others.

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