Export author Barker covers information key for proficiency with an OO programming language like Java, and shows how to really create reusable code and extensible applications.
Jacquie Barker is a professional software engineer, author, and former adjunct faculty member at both George Mason University in Fairfax, VA and The George Washington University in Washington, DC. With over 30 years of experience as a software developer and project manager, Jacquie has spent the past 15 years focused on object technology, and is proficient as an object modeler and Sun Microsystems Certified Java programmer. Jacquie earned a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering with highest honors from Case Institute of Technology/Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and a master of science degree in computer science, emphasizing software systems engineering, from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has subsequently pursued postgraduate studies in information technology at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Jacquie's winning formula for teaching object fundamentals continues to receive praise from readers around the world, and her Apress book Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code has been adopted by many universities as a key textbook in their core IT curricula. On a personal note, Jacquie's passions include her husband Steve and their three cats Walter, Rocky, and Tanner; serving as founder and executive director of Pets Bring Joy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization (; and her recent launch of a pro bono IT consulting service for start-up non profits (