Justice in Social Relations
Critical Issues in Social Justice
L Cohen, Ronald / Greenberg, Jerald
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01.11.2012, Auflage: 1. Auflage
From July 16 through July 21, 1984 a group of American and West German scholars met in Marburg, West Germany to discuss their com mon work on the topic of justice in social relations. For over 30 hours they presented papers, raised questions about each other's work, and in so doing plotted a course for future research and theory building on this topic. The participants were asked to present work that represented their most recent state-of-the-science contributions in the area. The con tributions to this volume represent refined versions of those presentations-papers that have been improved by the authors' consid eration of the comments and reactions of their colleagues. The result, we believe, is a work that represents the cutting edge of scholarly inquiry into the important matter of justice in social relations. To give the participants the freedom to present their ideas in the most appropriate way, we, the conference organizers and the editors of this volume, gave them complete control over the form and substance of their presentations. The resulting diversity is reflected in this book, where the reader will find critical integrative reviews of the literature, reports of research investigations, and statements of theoretical posi tions. The chapters are organized with respect to the common themes that emerged in the way the authors addressed the issues of justice in social relations. Each of these themes-conflict and power, theoretical perspectives, norms, and applications-is represented by a part of this book.
InhaltsangabeI Conflict, Power, and Justice.- 1 Cooperation, Conflict, and Justice.- Cooperation-Competition: Initial Studies of Distributive Justice.- Conflict and Bargaining Studies: Conditions for Establishing a System of Justice.- Distributive Justice.- Experimental Studies of the Effects of Different Systems of Distributive Justice.- The Choice of Distribution System.- The Sense of Injustice.- Some Conclusions.- References.- 2 Justice and Power: An Exchange Analysis.- Power as a Determinant of Reward Distributions.- Power as a Determinant of Reactions to Injustice.- An Exchange Analysis and Some Preliminary Evidence.- Perceptions of Fairness in Exchange Networks.- The Perceived Origins of Inequality and Reactions to Injustice.- Concluding Comments: From Interpersonal to Intergroup Relations.- References.- 3 Justice Considerations in Interpersonal Conflict.- A Glance at the Literature.- Interpersonal Conflict: Definition, Delimitation, and Analytic Approach.- Interpersonal Justice.- Justice Considerations in Interpersonal Conflict: Conditions of Occurrence and Effects.- At the Intra-Individual Level: Justice Thoughts.- At the Interindividual Level: Justice Statements.- Justice Conflict.- Types and Psychological Concomitants of Justice Conflict.- The Justice Dispute.- Significance of Justice Conflict for the Outcome of the Primary Conflict.- Conclusions.- The Role of Different Justice Motivations.- Concluding Remarks.- References.- 4 Power and Justice in Intergroup Relations.- Justice and Power.- Private Problems and Public Issues.- The Effects of Power.- Endorsement, Authorization, and Legitimation.- Revolutionary Mobilization.- The Symbols of Justice.- Conclusion.- References.- II Theoretical Perspectives on Justice.- 5 Justice Ideology and Social Legitimation: A Revised Agenda for Psychological Inquiry.- Overview.- Personhood and Justice.- The Personhood Ideal.- Justice.- Enlarging Personhood.- Toward an Objective Base for Justice.- Bases of Legitimation.- Critique.- Caretaking and Receiving.- Vulnerability to Ideology.- Psychology and the Reproduction of Injustice.- Conclusion.- References.- 6 The Experience of Injustice: Toward a Better Understanding of its Phenomenology.- Retrospective Reports on Experiences of Injustice.- Procedure.- Results.- Discussion.- Role-Playing Investigation 1.- Role-Playing Investigation 2.- Categories of Cognitions and Feelings.- Objectivity of Coding.- Results.- Discussion.- Conclusion.- References.- 7 Thinking about Justice and Dealing with One's Own Privileges: A Study of Existential Guilt.- The Concept of Existential Guilt.- Coping with One's Own Privileges: An Empirical Study.- Sample.- Research Instruments.- Cognitive Analysis of Inequality and Existential Guilt.- Distributive Justice and Existential Guilt.- The Role of Perceived Control.- Felt Responsibility for and Attitude toward the Disadvantaged.- Belief in a Just World and Existential Guilt.- The Moderating Role of Centrality of Justice.- A Predictive Model for Existential Guilt.- Discriminating Existential Guilt from Empathie Distress.- Criterion Group Validity of Existential Guilt.- Concluding Remarks.- References.- 8 Rethinking Equity Theory: A Referent Cognitions Model.- Levels of Referent Outcomes.- Effects of Referent and Likelihood Cognitions.- Levels of Justification.- Distributive and Procedural Effects.- Context Effects.- Summary and Conclusion.- References.- III Norms and Justice.- 9 Social Context and Perceived Justice.- Justice in Interpersonal Relations: Equity or Equality.- Equity versus Equality and Response to Reward Allocation.- Gender Differences Revisited: Response to Equity and Equality.- The Other Way Around.- Just World, Expectations, and Scripts.- Summary.- References.- 10 Levels of Interest in the Study of Interpersonal Justice.- Levels of Interpersonal Justice Phenomena.- Specific Domains.- The Justice Motive.- Justice Principles as Different Forms of Social Interdependence.- Determination of Value and Perception of