By whatever term it's called, multi-level marketing, network marketing, or personal selling, this type of sales, done right, offers you an opportunity to become rich and successful by not only selling a product but by building a growing sales team to sell. This complete and easy-to-use guide reveals how you can sell virtually any type of product or service this way. You can easily start the business out of your home or set up a small office, and as your sales network multiplies, your income grows from this expanding sales team. So the profit potential is almost unlimited.The book shows you how to do it with techniques for getting started, setting goals, prospecting for leads, selling your product or service effectively, putting on presentations, building a sales organization, working with distributors, hosting meetings and sales parties, participating in a trade show, speaking to promote your product, doing your own publicity, and more. It includes worksheets, checklists, and formulas to pick the most profitable products or services to sell, prepare weekly or monthly schedules, control costs, and get maximum productivity from your sales team. Other aids include sample letters, flyers, posters, and other tools that have produced big sales for other marketers and are easy to adapt.
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