Married to her enemy...
Two years after losing her beloved fiancé to war, Tess Blanchard feels ready to chance love again. Thus, she's aghast when a threatening scandal forces her to wed her longtime nemesis, Ian Sutherland, Duke of Rotham. The impossibly arrogant, irresistibly seductive nobleman is the last man she could ever imagine loving! Making matters worse, Tess discovers secrets in Rotham's wicked past that send her fleeing London for his remote castle in Cornwall.
Having long desired Tess, Ian is exasperated that the ton thinks he's driven his reluctant new bride from their marriage bed and so follows hard on her heels. Can blazing desire between two warring hearts ever turn into wedded bliss?
Nicole Jordan is theNew York Timesbestselling author of seventeen historical romances including, the Regency-set TO PLEASURE A LADY, TO BED A BEAUTY, TO SEDUCE A BRIDE, TO ROMANCE A CHARMING ROGUE, TO TAME A DANGEROUS LORD and TO DESIRE A WICKED DUKE, as well as the Medieval romance, THE WARRIOR.
She recently moved with her real-life hero to the Rocky Mountains of Utah. You can e-mail her via her Web site at
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