In this new edition of his bestselling book, Bill Rogers brings together contributions from practising teachers that suggest ways to tackle disruptive and challenging behaviour. Bill introduces and comments on each chapter, setting out key principles for behaviour leadership in the style that makes him such a popular author.
There are numerous case studies drawn from practice, each showing how the teacher manages the situation and what the outcome was: these examples from practice highlight the difference teachers can make to their students behaviour, attitude, self-esteem and peer acceptance. Chapters look at: finding a way back from inappropriate behaviour; dealing with very challenging behaviour on a daily basis; creating a peaceful school and developing positive practice.
New material in this book includes:
- new case studies
- more analysis of actions taken and skills used when managing challenging behaviour
- a new chapter on working with confrontational and angry parents
- opportunities for reflection, to encourage discussion with colleagues
- managing anger in ourselves and our children
The direct, practical and inspirational nature of these accounts will resonate with all teachers and school support staff working with any age group. Based on the everyday experiences of the teachers who have written them, these are teachers accounts offering sound advice and guidance to fellow professionals.
All royalties from the sale of this book are donated to the charity World Vision and their childrens education programmes in South East Asia. ?
Dr Bill Rogers will be lecturing in the UK and for schools, authorities and universities this autumn 2017, mid-September to mid-December. For details of events, or to book Bill in to do training for your organization, please contact Lora Rogers See his website for further information
PART ONE: CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR: OUR THINKING, ATTITUDES AND STRATEGYWe Cannot Predict Where Our Students May End up - Bill RogersThe Pygmalion Effect: Where Expectancy Can Lead - Bill RogersDear Luke: What I Saw at the Outset and How Childrens Behaviour Challenges us in Positive Ways - Elizabeth McPhersonMy Global Classroom - Peter DAngeloWilliam and Muddling through - Jim GilbertParents: The Difficult Chat - Bill RogersPART TWO: UNDERSTANDING CHALLENGING CHILDREN AND CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERUnderstanding emotional and behavioural disorder in mainstream schools - Bill RogersMeasurement of difference or meaning (when working with challenging children) - Ken SellChanging perceptions of challenging behaviour: Tom and his teacher - Larry TaylorFinding a connection point for change in behaviour: Alex wins a race - Karen KearneyChoosing to teach: choosing to make a difference - Elizabeth McPhersonPART THREE: TEACHING CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERIntroduction - Bill RogersOne, two, three, four, out the door - or STOP (Straight To the Office Please) - Bette BlanceThere is always a way back: an individual behaviour management plan - Mara Smart, Mariette West and Pamela CurtainHelping a child change his behaviour and his short attention span - Kerrie MillerAD/HD and teaching academic survival behaviours - Bill RogersA tall order: a challenging student on day one and after - Patsy FingerIndividual behaviour management plans and group support with infant-age children: Troys story - Debbie HoyPART FOUR: THE HARD-TO-MANAGE CLASS: WHEN IT IS MORE THAN ONE OR TWOThe hard-to-manage class: reasons, options, support - Bill RogersMy most challenging Year 8 class ever - Leanne WrightThe class from hell - Denise FrostClassroom meetings to the rescue - Carmen PriceA winner - in a hard class - Heather FraserPART FIVE: WORKING TO BUILD A CO-OPERATIVE CLASSROOM GROUP: CLASSROOM MEETINGS AND BUILDING RELATIONSHIPSIntroduction - Bill RogersFriendship problems: using a solving circle - Carmen PriceRelationships and conflict-solving (classroom and playground) with infants - Debbie Hoy and Ros DanielsCreating the peaceable school - Carmel RyanA beautiful place: building a multicultural school - Larry SchwartzA human story - UnsourcedPART SIX: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES THAT ENABLE US TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN AND CLASSROOM GROUPS - Bill RogersPART SEVEN: SUPPORTING PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURSCommunicating with parents who challenge... - Bill RogersDealing with - and supporting - difficult parents - Gail DoneySupporting the parents of children with challenging behaviour - Cathy WhalenWorking with difficult parents - Maureen SmythWorking with parents/ca/carers of children with challenging behaviours (primary) - Alysan Dermody PalmerAn extended note on anger (primarily from Aristotle) - Bill RogersPART EIGHT: NARRATIVES: HOW TEACHERS STORIES CONNECT US, SUPPORT US, ENCOURAGE US AND ENABLE US AS TEACHERS - Sharn Donnison